(top) 40th Anniversary: Balldale Majellan Group with Fr Paul Hart at St Mary’s Corowa; click on the smaller copy below for close-up views.


Speech by Mrs Joan Sandral:

Welcome Fr Hart, Past members, Members and Guests.

Thank you for coming and sharing in this our special day – our 40th Anniversary.

The Balldale Majellan Group had their formation meeting on 25th April 1974 at the home of Kevin and Marie Ford. Marie was elected President, Sandra Drum Secretary-Treasurer and Monsignor (Michael) Lane was our Spiritual Director. His guidance given over our first 11 years is often reflected upon.

Meetings and Masses were held in our homes with as many as 16 little children sitting on the floor in front of the altar. The prayer to St Gerard Majella and the Memorare were recited at each meeting.

I can remember well when we were discussing what food to bring to the next meeting Monsignor would quietly suggest, “A casserole would be nice.” He also loved a sponge cake.

I was not at the first meeting, as John and I moved to the district about that day. However, I was made feel most welcome at the secnd meeting.

Forty years ago we were all young mothers with small children. Mrs Iris Drum, or “Nan-to-us-all”, was our senior mother and loved by us all.

Of course, those children have grown up and we have been able to watch them and follow their careers and share in the joy of their marriages, and the starting their own families.

Over the years, we have been able to support each other in times of need and sadness, and to share our happiness.

Helping with the World Day of Prayer at Balldale was always a joy.

I must mention our dear friend Mary Lavis – no longer with us – but who did so much in organizing interesting things for us at meetings.

We are an older group now, of course, but still enjoy meeting together and sharing a meal.

Thank you all for coming, and we wish you a safe trip home – and God bless you all!


40th ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION –  Thursday 30th October

Mass was celebrated by Fr Paul Hart at St Mary’s Corowa at 12 Noon, followed by Celebratory Luncheon at Les Tuileries, Rutherglen. Many Members were accompanied by their husbands and all agreed it was a truly fitting celebration for the 40th milestone of the Group.


40th Anniversary Majellan Group – with Fr Hart – at St Mary’s Corowa

[Click on photo to enlarge, click again for close-up. … If any member has a better photo, or other photos of the day, please send them in to be included in this report.]

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“Balldale Majellan 40th Anniversary”

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Joan Sandral with Anniversary Cake

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Heather McKinlay test-run at cutting the cake



Access the booklet of the history of the Balldale Majellan Group to 1994

